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Project Referral Maps

Maps are listed by municipalities with land use regulations in place. 

They depict a 500’ buffer around features that trigger a referral to the County Planning Board for review. 

When does a land use project need to be referred to the County Planning Board for review?  Land use projects must be referred to the County when a parcel boundary is within 500’ of:

1) A county, village or town boundary

2) Existing or proposed county or state park or other recreation area

3) Existing or proposed county or state road or right of way

4) Existing or proposed right of way of any county stream or drainage channel

5) County or state owned land that contains a public facility; or

6) The boundary of a farm operation in an agricultural district.

Larger, 34” x 44” posters of these maps are also available for a nominal fee.  Contact the Planning Office at 379-2292 if you are interested in ordering a larger map.


