Disabled Client Assistance Program
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Home Energy Assistance Program
Social Services Assistance with Burials
Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
Contact Person
Marya Furnia, Senior Social Welfare Examiner | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 379-2285
Brief Description of Services
The New York State Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) helps eligible families with some or all of the cost of child care. Each Local Social Services District manages the CCAP with funding and support from the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS). Families may qualify based on income, reasons for needing day care, and a child’s age or individual needs.
To discuss the qualifications or to have an application packet sent to you, please call the Day Care Unit at (315) 379-2285.
Do I Qualify for CCAP?
New Eligibility Questionnaire!
Answer a short series of questions to see if you may be able to get child care at low or no cost - in 10 minutes or less!
Eligibility Questionnaire Resources
- Eligibility Questionnaire Guide - English | Spanish/Español
- How to calculate Gross Monthly Income - English | Spanish/Español
- CCAP Eligibility Questionnaire Video - English | Spanish/Español
Income Requirements
Here are the maximum amounts a family can make and still qualify. While this information can be a helpful tool, families should submit an application to their LDSS to find out if they qualify. Income is only one factor to qualify for child care assistance in New York State. Other families may also qualify, based on their specific needs.
Income limits for eligibility by family size.
Family Size |
Annual Income Limit* |
Monthly Income Limit |
1 | $56,488.48 | $4,707.37 |
2 | $73,869.56 | $6,155.80 |
3 | $91,250.63 | $7,604.22 |
4 | $108,631.70 | $9,052.64 |
5 | $126,012.77 | $10,501.06 |
6 | $143,393.84 | $11,949.49 |
*Annual Income Limit numbers are 85% of the NYS Median Income, effective June 1, 2024 - May 31, 2025.
OCFS-6025 Application for Child Care Assistance
Child Care Assistance Information Packet and Required Forms
Find Child Care | Division of Child Care Services | OCFS (ny.gov)
DCAP (Disabled Client Assistance Program)
Contact Person
Meagan Lalonde | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 379-2146
Brief Description of Services
This Unit assists persons receiving assistance (Temporary Assistance, Medicaid and Food Stamps) to apply for the Federal program of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability (SSDI). Also assists clients in filing appeals of denials for SSI and SSDI.
Appointments are scheduled as needed.
NYS OTDA (Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance) Websites
Division of Disability Determinations (DDD) Home Page
Employment Assistance
One-Stop Career Center / Employment Unit
Contact Person
Michelle Nason, Senior Employment & Training Program Coordinator | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 229-3326
Brief Description of Services
The responsibility of the Employment Unit is to assist Temporary Assistance applicants/recipients in becoming self-sufficient. This is accomplished by enrolling Temporary Assistance clients in various Work Experience programs and training. Workfare assignments have been developed by the public and non-profit agencies.
The Employment Unit also assists applicants with securing employment. All applicants for Temporary Assistance are immediately referred to the One-Stop Career Center to enroll in Job Readiness Training/Job Search. For more information on St. Lawrence County's One-Stop Career Center, visit the website at: www.slconestop.com OR click on the picture (below).
TA-SNAP Employment Plan 2024-25
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
Formerly Known as Food Stamps
Contact Person
Karen Caldon, Head Social Welfare Examiner | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 379-2155 (800) 649-7565
Brief Description of Services
SNAP benefits are issued with a goal to reduce hunger and malnutrition among low-income working people, senior citizens, the disabled and others. If eligible, SNAP benefits are provided through an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, similar to a bank debit card or credit card. The card will be machine-read along with your PIN number at any authorized retail food store.
Applications are accepted Monday-Friday during normal business hours. Applicants who have an emergency are interviewed the same day they apply. This enables applicants to access needed services sooner, and with less travel. Face to Face interviews are waived for households that mail-in an application, drop off or apply online at www.mybenefits.ny.gov. Income and resource guidelines for Temporary Assistance and SNAP are different.
NOTICE TO ALL RECIPIENTS OF Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Additional P-EBT Frequently Asked Questions
NYS OTDA (Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance) Websites
- SNAP Home Page
- Common Forms and Applications Website
- Common Application (LDSS-2921)
- How to Complete The Common Application (LDSS-1301)
- SNAP Benefits Application (LDSS-4826)
- How to Complete The SNAP Benefits Application (LDSS-4826A)
- What You Should Know About Your Rights and Responsibilities: (LDSS-4148A)
- What You Should Know About Social Services Programs: (LDSS-4148B)
- What You Should Know If You Have An Emergency: (LDSS-4148C)
- Know Your Resources: Nonparent Caregiver Benefit (OCFS-Pub5194)
People can determine their likely eligibility for SNAP, Temporary Assistance, HEAP, and Other Programs by visiting NYS MyBenefits Website.
Any questions about eligibility or procedure can be directed to:
Kimberly Dafoe, Principal Social Welfare Examiner | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 229-3136
NOTICE: Documentation Required for Eligibility Determination
NYDocSubmit is a mobile application that allows certain applicants and recipients in participating social services districts to take pictures of their documents and submit them to their local district office using their Apple iOS or Android device. There is no need for the individual to take time off from work, stand in line or travel to the district office to drop off documents.
Note: NYDocSubmit is not monitored for emergencies and is not to be used to submit an application or to submit a periodic report.
In order to complete your eligibility determination, bring the following documentation with you for your interview:
NOTE: If application is made by an adult other than the head of the household or the spouse, written authorization from the head of household is required.
PROOF OF WHO YOU ARE: (For each applying household member)
- Photo I.D.
- Driver's License
- Sheriff or College I.D
- Passport
- Benefit Card
- Immigration and Naturalization Service Documentation
- Birth or Baptismal or Adoption Certificate
- Social Security Card
- All Marriage Certificates / Divorce Decrees
- Landlord statement (*Enclosed in packet of information with application) or rent receipt and occupancy statement; any subsidized housing verification. OR
- If you own your home or are purchasing on a land contract, you must also provide us with a copy of your mortgage, deed, or land contract along with a copy of your current land and school taxes, and homeowners insurance.
- Whether you rent or own, you must also bring the following current bills: Sewer, Water, Phone, Fuel and Electric.
- If you pay no rent, or are purchasing through mortgage/deed or land contract, you must also provide us with an occupancy statement. This must be written by someone not living in your home, listing all people living in the home - even if they are not applying.
- Last four (4) weeks pay stubs
- Tax records
- Business records
- Statement from roomers, boarder, or lodgers of amount paid to you for lodging.
IF APPLICABLE, a statement from your previous employer regarding your last day worked, the amount of your last check, and the reasons that you are no longer employed.
IF APPLICABLE, a signed and dated statement from the babysitter for the last four (4) weeks.
- Unemployment letter or stub for the last four (4) weeks
- Social Security or SSI Award Letter
- Court ordered support or alimony agreement
- Veteran's Benefits Award Letter
- Workmen's Compensation/NYS Disability
- Tuition, Fees, Books
- Financial Aid Statement
- All Loans, Grants, Scholarships, and Awards
- Semester College Bill
- Car Registration and/or Title
- Life Insurance Policies
- Bank Statements (including checking, savings, and credit union accounts)
- Verification of Trust Fund, IRA account, 401-K or Retirement Funds, pending lawsuits
- Verification of stocks and/or bonds and their value
- Deeds to any Real Property
- Any Paid or Unpaid Medical Bills (receipts, printouts, etc...)
NOTICE: Handout for All Applicants for Temporary Assistance
This information is available to all applicants for Temporary Assistance. It is intended to help you determine if you are a victim of Domestic Violence and to consider ways to make yourself and your family safe and self-supporting.
Are you in danger of you partner or ex-partner doing any of the following:
- Physically hurting you by, for example, pushing, grabbing, slapping, hitting, choking, or kicking?
- Forcing you to have sex when you don't want to or do sexual things you don't want to do?
- Threatening to hurt you, your children or someone close to you?
- Constantly putting you down or telling you that you are worthless?
- Stalking, checking up on you, or following you?
- Making you afraid?
- What kinds of services are available?
SERVICES: You can call a 24 hour Domestic Violence Hotline for Information about Emergency Shelter, Support Groups, Counseling and your Legal Rights.
In New York City call: 1-800-62 I-HOPE (1-800-621-4673).
All others call: 1-800-942-6906
Spanish speaking callers call: 1-800-942-6908.
Locally, you can call:
- Reachout: (315) 265-2422
- Renewal House: (315) 379-9845
- Domestic Abuse Response Team: (315) 379-2230.
Temporary Assistance
You must meet certain requirements to be eligible for Temporary Assistance. If you think that you are a victim of domestic violence and that meeting one or more of the requirements may place you or your children at greater risk of harm or make it more difficult to escape from abuse, you may request a temporary delay of those requirements.
HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program)
Contact Person
Bobbie Kitts, Principal Social Welfare Examiner | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 379-2297 Fax (315) 379-2162
Brief Description of Services:
The HEAP Program is a federally funded program governed by the New York State Department of Social Services. It is administered on the local level and provides financial assistance to eligible households for energy needs.
Households in which one member is receiving TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE or FOOD STAMPS and certain SSI recipients are categorically income eligible. Other households are income tested. The regular HEAP season begins in November and lasts until the federal funding runs out. Furnace replacement may run throughout the year.
Clients should have the following information ready:
- Proof of income
- Proof of Residency
- Proof of Resources
- Proof of Personal Identification (including verification of citizenship)
NYS OTDA (Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance) Websites:
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Home Page
Common Forms and Applications
Home Energy Assistance Program Application & Instructions (LDSS-3421)
How Do I Apply for Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)?
People can determine their likely eligibility for HEAP, Food Stamps, and Other Programs by visiting NYS MyBenefits Website.
For HEAP Information and Application or further assistance, contact us:
HEAP Office - Phone: (315) 379-2303 | Fax (315) 379-2162 | Main Reception Office (315) 379-2111
NYDocSubmit is a mobile application that allows certain applicants and recipients in participating social services districts to take pictures of their documents and submit them to their local district office using their Apple iOS or Android device. There is no need for the individual to take time off from work, stand in line or travel to the district office to drop off documents.
Note: NYDocSubmit is not monitored for emergencies and is not to be used to submit an application or to submit a periodic report.
Medical Assistance (Medical Services)
Contact Person
Melinda Fonda, Medical Services Supervisor
St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 379-2119
Marci White, Principal Social Welfare Examiner | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 379-2385
Brief Description of Medical Assistance:
Medical Assistance is a program for residents of St. Lawrence County who cannot afford to pay for medical care and meet certain financial requirements.
The program provides for financial reimbursement of physicians, dentist, inpatient, outpatient, and clinic services, long term care services of nursing facilities, community-based home care services, prescription drugs, and rehabilitative services.
Some individuals who apply for health insurance, including Medicaid, are now required to apply on the New York State of Health website. Others may continue to fill out an Access NY Health Care Application and mail, or bring the paper application in to our 6 Judson Street Canton office.
For assistance in determining how you should apply for health insurance, including Medicaid, Medicaid managed care, advanced premium tax credits, and cost sharing reductions, or if you would like to make an appointment for assistance with applying for insurance on the New York State of Health website, you can contact us at:
- Medicaid Office: (315) 379-2119
- Link to the Access NY Application
To apply for health insurance through the New York State of Health, you can call or fill out an online application:
- New York State of Health Website
- New York State of Health: 1-855-355-5777 TTY: 1-800-662-1200
There are several community agencies with staff that are trained as Navigators that can assist applicants with applying for health insurance, including Medicaid, on the New York State of Health website, and with comparing and choosing a health insurance plan. They are:
- St. Lawrence Health Initiative: (315) 261-4760 x222
- ACR Health: (315) 386-4493 x172
- Community Health Center of the North Country: (315) 386-8191 x1211
- Fidelis: 1-888-343-3547
- United Health Care: 1-800-493-4647
- St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce: (315) 386-4000
- MILC: (315) 764-9442
You can also receive help to apply for health insurance, including Medicaid, by making an appointment with a Facilitated Enroller/Certified Application Counselor. These individuals can assist you to apply for health insurance on the New York State of Health website or to apply for Medicaid by filling out an Access NY Health Care application. A Facilitated Enroller/Certified Application Counselor may have hours or a location that is more convenient for you. Some offer in-home assistance for individuals that are not able to access a community site. They are:
- Fidelis: 1-888-343-3547
- United Healthcare: 1-800-493-4647
- MILC: (315) 764-9442
If you are already enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care and have questions regarding changing plans or which providers participate with the plan you are enrolled in, there are staff located at our 6 Judson Street Canton office that can assist you in person, or by phone at (315) 379-2212
- New York State Medicaid Choice (Maximus): 1-800-505-5678
Brief Description of Medical Services:
Medical Services authorizes in-home personal care assistance with tasks for individuals that meet certain Medicaid eligibility requirements.
For a person to receive services, they will need to call the New York Independent Assessor (NYIA) at 1-855-222-8350.
Personal Care questions can be directed to:
Shameka Monroe, Senior Caseworker | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 379-2124
Nursing Home and financial eligibility questions can be directed to:
Jill Pray, Principal Social Welfare Examiner | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 379-2188
Social Services Assistance With Burials
Contact Person
Jessica Whitford, Resource Agent | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 379-2164
Brief Description of Services:
If necessary, the St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services sometimes can pay for indigent burials or cremations when County residents do not have adequate resources to fully cover the final expenses of loved ones. When funeral arrangements are being made and family members express that someone has died without sufficient resources for a burial or cremation and they cannot assume responsibility for paying all the expenses, they can apply to Department of Social Services for assistance. The Indigent Burial Application forms are available at all funeral homes in the County, and must be completed listing all income and resources of legally responsible relatives as well as of the deceased. Applications are reviewed by the Resource Agent and eligibility is determined.
Eligibility: less than $1,500.00 in available resources
Application Process: St. Lawrence County has a contract with the Funeral Directors’ Association. All applications are submitted by the Funeral Home on the applicant’s behalf.
A signed burial application must be received by the Department before eligibility can be determined.
An application will be denied if it is submitted after funeral services have already been performed.
An application submitted before death will be denied.
An application will be denied if there is any solicitation by family or friends for monetary donations through crowdfunding sites
Required Documentation: proof of all income and resources
Fees: All available assets must be contributed.
DSS evaluates each indigent burial application under New York Social Services Law § 141 and regulations under Title 18 of the New York Code of Rules and Regulations pertaining to public assistance. Such law and regulations require this Department to consider whether relatives, friends, or personal representatives are liable or willing to become responsible for burial expenses of the decedent, among other factors.
Special note: If a decedent died as a result of a crime, the funeral costs may be covered by NY Crime Victim’s Board, who can be reached at (315) 435-2470.
Temporary Assistance
Contact Person
Kim Dafoe, Principal Social Welfare Examiner | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 379-2159
Brief Description of Services:
The Temporary Assistance Unit provides financial assistance to families to meet basic needs such as food, shelter and fuel. Those families that qualify for Temporary Assistance may also receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid and Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
Applications are accepted Monday - Friday during normal business hours. Applicants who have an emergency are interviewed the same day they apply. This enables applicants to access needed services sooner, and with less travel. Income and resource guidelines for Temporary Assistance and Food Stamps are different.
- Temporary Assistance Home Page
- Common Forms and Applications
- Common Application (LDSS-2921)
- How to Complete The Common Application (LDSS-1301)
- Recertification Form (LDSS-3174)
- How to Complete The Recertification Form (LDSS-1313)
- What You Should Know About Your Rights and Responsibilities: (LDSS-4148A)
- What You Should Know About Social Services Programs: (LDSS-4148B)
- What You Should Know If You Have An Emergency: (LDSS-4148C)
- Know Your Resources: Nonparent Caregiver Benefit: (OCFS-Pub5194)
- Safeguard Your EBT Card
- Protect yourself from EBT Skimming
- View the Act Fast EBT Skimming Video
How Do I Apply for Temporary Assistance?
People can determine their likely eligibility for Temporary Assistance, Food Stamps, HEAP, and Other Programs by visiting NYS MyBenefits Website at: www.mybenefits.ny.gov OR click on the picture (below).
Any questions about eligibility or procedure can be directed to:
Kimberly Dafoe, Principal Social Welfare Examiner | St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
Phone: (315) 229-3136
Please note: all applicants for TA with minor child(ren) must file child support referrals whenever there is a parent(s) that does not live in the household.
NOTICE: Documentation Required for Eligibility Determination
In order to complete your eligibility determination, bring the following documentation with you for your interview:
NOTE: If application is made by an adult, who is not part of the household applying for TA, written authorization from the head of household is required.
NYDocSubmit is a mobile application that allows certain applicants and recipients in participating social services districts to take pictures of their documents and submit them to their local district office using their Apple iOS or Android device. There is no need for the individual to take time off from work, stand in line or travel to the district office to drop off documents.
Note: NYDocSubmit is not monitored for emergencies and is not to be used to submit an application or to submit a periodic report.
PROOF OF WHO YOU ARE: (For each applying household member)
- Photo I.D.
- Driver's License
- Sheriff or College I.D
- Passport
- Benefit Card
- Immigration and Naturalization Service Documentation
- Birth or Baptismal or Adoption Certificate
- Social Security Card
- All Marriage Certificates / Divorce Decrees
- Landlord statement (*Enclosed in packet of information with application) or rent receipt, lease, mortgage records, statement from another person, current mail or school records. OR ...
- If you own your home or are purchasing on a land contract, you must also provide us with a copy of your mortgage, deed, or land contract along with a copy of your current land and school taxes, and homeowners insurance.
- Whether you rent or own, you must also bring the following current bills: Sewer, Water, Phone, Fuel and Electric.
- You must provide, written by someone not living in your home, an occupancy statement listing everyone living in your home even if they are not applying for assistance.
- Last four (4) weeks or 2 bi-weekly pay stubs
- Tax records
- Business records
- Statement from roomers, boarder, or lodgers of amount paid to you for lodging.
IF APPLICABLE, a statement from your previous employer regarding your last day worked, the amount of your last check, and the reasons that you are no longer employed.
- Unemployment letter or stub for the last four (4) weeks
- Social Security or SSI Award Letter
- Court ordered support or alimony agreement
- Veteran's Benefits Award Letter
- Workmen's Compensation/NYS Disability
- Tuition, Fees, Books
- Financial Aid Statement
- Car Registration and/or Title
- Life Insurance Policies
- Bank Statements (including checking, savings, and credit union accounts)
- Verification of Trust Fund, IRA account, 401-K or Retirement Funds, pending lawsuits
- Verification of stocks and/or bonds and their value
- Deeds to any Real Property
- Any Paid or Unpaid Medical Bills (receipts, printouts, etc...)
NOTICE: Handout for All Applicants for Temporary Assistance
This information is available to all applicants for Temporary Assistance. It is intended to help you determine if you are a victim of Domestic Violence and to consider ways to make yourself and your family safe and self-supporting.
- Physically hurting you by, for example, pushing, grabbing, slapping, hitting, choking, or kicking?
- Forcing you to have sex when you don't want to or do sexual things you don't want to do?
- Threatening to hurt you, your children or someone close to you?
- Constantly putting you down or telling you that you are worthless?
- Stalking, checking up on you, or following you?
- Making you afraid?
SERVICES: You can call a 24 hour Domestic Violence Hotline for Information about Emergency Shelter, Support Groups, Counseling and your Legal Rights.
- In New York City call: 1-800-62 I-HOPE (1-800-621-4673).
- All others call: 1-800-942-6906
- Spanish speaking callers call: 1-800-942-6908.
- Reachout: (315) 265-2422
- Renewal House: (315) 379-9845
- Domestic Abuse Response Team: (315) 379-2230.
You must meet certain requirements to be eligible for Temporary Assistance. If you think that you are a victim of domestic violence and that meeting one or more of the requirements may place you or your children at greater risk of harm or make it more difficult to escape from abuse, you may request a temporary delay of those requirements by requesting a temporary waiver. A temporary waiver of program requirements can be given by a Domestic Violence Liaison (DVL) if it is deteremined that these requirements would increase the potential for continued abuse of you and/or your children.