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Bureau of Fire - Fire Advisory Board

Pursuant to Section 225-A of New York State County Law, St. Lawrence County has established the St. Lawrence County Fire Advisory Board. It shall be the duty of this Board to cooperate with the Office of Fire Prevention and Control in relation to such programs for fire training, fire-related activities, and mutual aid; to act as an advisory body to the County government and to the County Fire Coordinator; and to provide information concerning issues surrounding emergency services.

The St. Lawrence County Fire Advisory Board shall consist of not more than twenty-one (21) regular members. The term limit for membership shall be three (3) years.

Fire Advisory Board

First Name Last Name Location Last Appointed Expiration Date
Chris Backus Cranberry Lake 4/1/2024 3/4/2027
Leonard Bickelhaupt Hammond 12/2/2024 11/3/2026
Mark Bomyea Rensselaer Falls 1/3/2022 2/28/2025
Mark Bradish Potsdam 4/3/2023 2/25/2025
Adrian Bush Norfolk 5/1/2023 2/28/2026
Thomas Conklin Gouverneur 1/3/2022 2/28/2025
Kevin Crosby Morristown 1/3/2022 2/28/2025
Robert Crowe Canton 5/1/2023 2/28/2026
Larry Denesha Canton 1/2/2024 12/31/2024
Edward  Drake Star Lake 12/2/2024 11/3/2026
Joseph Finnegan Madrid 1/3/2022 2/28/2025
Erik Johnson Canton 3/4/2024 3/4/2027
Robert Kerr Norfolk 4/3/2023 2/28/2026
John LaShomb Lawrenceville 4/3/2023 2/28/2026
Scott McRobbie Colton 2/1/2021 2/29/2024
Steve Parker Hopkinton 7/1/2024 6/3/2026
Richard Rusaw Star Lake 3/4/2024 3/4/2027
Torey Russell Potsdam 1/2/2025 12/1/2027
Kenneth Stull Ogdensburg 4/3/2023 3/6/2026
Christopher Velez Hermon 1/3/2022 2/28/2025
Larry Whitten Hailesboro 3/4/2024 3/4/2027
Steve Wilson Brasher Falls 3/4/2024 3/4/2027