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Soil & Water District - Services

Ag Values

Ag Value Assessment

Since the 1970’s NYS Law has provided for reduced property tax bills for land in agricultural production by limiting the taxable assessment of such land to its value in agricultural use. Owners whose land satisfies the minimum farm acreage and gross sales requirements may apply for an agricultural taxable assessment, thereby effectively exempting the land’s nonagricultural value from local real property taxes.

Farmland does not automatically receive an agricultural taxable assessment. Landowners must file an initial application with the local assessor and then they must re-apply annually.

Have you signed up your farm? Have you signed up each and every parcel? Have you filed annually? (Even if you filed an application years ago, you may not be currently receiving this tax exemption).

Please check the status of your property with your assessor or with the St. Lawrence County Real Property Tax Office at 379-2272. If you would like to apply, your first step is to call or visit your County Soil and Water Conservation District. Applications need to be in to the assessor by March 1. It may take the Soil and Water Conservation District some time to do the necessary paperwork, so please start the process early.

More Information about Ag Value Assessments from NYS Real Property Office

Ag Value Assessment Checklist

  • Bring a tax bill for every parcel that you would like to enroll to the Soil and Water Conservation Ditrict (SWCD) Office.
  • Bring a current tax map with a photo back ground that shows all parcels to the SWCD Office. If you need a tax map, please contact the SLC Real Property Tax Office at 379-2272. When you call, mention that the map is for an Ag Value Assessment to get a discount.
  • Be prepared to answer a few quick questions about the property. (i.e. Is there a home on this parcel? How much land does it occupy?)
  • Leave the information with the SWCD. Once your Soil Group Worksheet is complete, you will be contacted.
  • Pick up your Soil Group Worksheet, a soils map, tax bill and tax map.
    Fees: $30 per parcel w/a late fee of $10 per parcel for anything brought in after February 15 to meet deadline.
  • Complete an application and turn over to your town’s assessor with soils info before the deadline (Typically March 1). Remember to renew with your assessor every year.

Water Testing


When clear, good tasting water comes out of the faucet, we assume it is safe to drink. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. St. Lawrence County residents, municipalities, and business owners can find out if their drinking water is safe by testing it regularly. 

St. Lawrence County Soil and Water has partnered with Endyne Labs, Inc. out of Plattsburgh. We are now a pick-up location for water testing. Water test kits with instructions are available for pick-up M-F 8am-4pm. 

Water samples and payment for Endyne Labs must be dropped off the second Monday of each month between 7am and 10am. Samples must be taken less than 24 hours before drop off and kept cool. 

Test Kits:

Kit 1

Unchlorinated Water: E. Coli/Total Coliforms(presence/absence): $30.00

Kit 2: 

Unchlorinated Water: E. Coli/Total Coliforms, Nitrate/Nitrite, Lead: $85.00

Kit 3: 

Unchlorinated Water: E. Coli/Total Coliforms, Nitrate/Nitrite, Chlorine, Fluoride, pH, hardness, Lead, Iron: $175

Questions regarding the tests, or payment should be directed to Endyne Labs: 518-563-1720

Please call our office at 315-386-3582 for questions regarding pick-up and drop-off dates and times.

Hydroseeder Grant

Franklin County SWCD wrote a grant to purchase a hydroseeder for use in both Franklin and St. Lawrence Counties. This hydroseeder will be available to municipalities and individuals with agency help for critical area seeding for a small fee.