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Soil & Water Programs

Fall Fish Sale

SWCD is NOT offering a fish stocking program this fall 2023. 

District Tree Program

Each year the Soil and Water Conservation District sells thousands of bare root stock trees and shrubs to the residents in St. Lawrence County to use for conservation purposes on their own land.  We sell a variety of species with the hopes of having something for everyone.

This annual program is run in the spring each year and helps to keep the SWCD in business. There are various species of Evergreens, Hardwoods, and Wildlife Trees & Shrubs for sale. The trees are 1-2 year old bare-root seedlings that range, depending on the specie, from 4” to 36” tall. Transplants (up to 4 years old) may be available depending on species. Also sold are wildflower seeds, tree protectors, and tree plantation signs. All items are low cost and of good quality rated for hardiness in our area. Trees are generally sold from middle of January until the end of February with pick up being in the middle of April.



AEM Logo


Who is Eligible?

The AEM program supports agriculture of all types and sizes, i.e. dairy, beef, sheep etc. in their efforts to be environmental sound and economically viable. The St. Lawrence County SWCD prioritized the county’s seven major watersheds and will focus AEM planning efforts on different watersheds each year. In 2010, our main focus will be on the St. Lawrence Watershed, comprised mainly of agricultural operations along the St. Lawrence River. However all interested agricultural operations are encouraged to begin participation in AEM.

Examples of resource concerns addressed and conservation practices

AEM planning process will commonly address: barnyard runoff, manure management, grazing systems, milk-house waste water, stream crossings and silage leachate. Common conservation practices planned to address resource concerns are: Barnyard Water Management Systems and associated practices, Nutrient Management Planning, Waste Storage Facility, Animal Laneways, Access Roads, Vegetative Treatment Areas, Prescribed Grazing, etc.

Why should your farm participate?

AEM participation supports both individual agricultural operations and the larger agricultural community by documenting the importance of farming in St. Lawrence County, which increases funding opportunities to support environmental management projects on local agricultural related operations.

Participation in AEM will allow farms to be considered for State and Federal Cost Sharing programs such as: NYS Agricultural Non-point source grant (NYS AgNPS) and Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).

How do get started with AEM?

Contact SWCD office and request our AEM information packet and Tier 1 questionnaire. The packet will give you additional information about our St. Lawrence Co. AEM program and the brief questionnaire will help us understand more about your agricultural system.