Business Certificates are more commonly known as DBA's or "Doing Business As" filings. This form is a legal document, that when filed in our office, will reserve your business name in St. Lawrence County. The name of the business needs to be checked in our office the day that it is filed, to ensure that it is not already in use. You may be required to have a DBA for banking, tax, or insurance purposes. Forms are available in our office, or they can be downloaded through this site. Please click the link below for the appropriate form. Business Certificates and Amended Business Certificates are $25.00 to file. Discontinuances, individual or partnership, are no charge. We accept cash, check or credit card for these filings.
Business Certificate Procedures - Steps for recording an assumed name certificate.
Business Certificate (DBA) - Initial form filed for individuals starting a business.
Business Certificate for Partners - Initial form filed for two or more individuals starting a business.
Business Certificate Amendment - Form for changing information such as addresses or business partners.
Business Certificate Discontinuance - Form used to discontinue or cancel a filed DBA.
**Please note we do not accept electronic filings at this time. Our office must have an original paper copy to be recorded. Also note, these documents must be signed in front of a notary. For your convenience we provide notary services in our office at no charge. **
Please visit the Small Business Development Center or contact them by phone at (315) 386-7312, for more information on how to start your business. Questions on obtaining an Employer Identification Number (EIN) can be answered on the IRS website.
Corporations & Limited Liability Companies
Corporations and Limited Liability Companies are all filed through New York State. Please call NYS at (518)473-2492 or visit their website.
View the list of Newspapers for Legal Notices in regard to Limited Liability Companies (LLC's) and Limited Liability Partnerships.