Contact Person:
Bobbie Kitts, Principal Social Welfare Examiner
St. Lawrence County Department of Social Services
(315) 379-2297
Fax (315) 379-2162
Brief Description of Services:
The HEAP Program is a federally funded program governed by the New York State Department of Social Services. It is administered on the local level and provides financial assistance to eligible households for energy needs.
Households in which one member is receiving TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE or FOOD STAMPS and certain SSI recipients are categorically income eligible. Other households are income tested. The regular HEAP season begins in November and lasts until the federal funding runs out. Furnace replacement may run throughout the year.
Clients should have the following information ready:
- Proof of income
- Proof of Residency
- Proof of Resources
- Proof of Personal Identification (including verification of citizenship)
Home Energy & Emergency Services Guide - 2019 (pdf)
NYS OTDA (Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance) Websites:
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Home Page
Common Forms and Applications
Home Energy Assistance Program Application & Instructions (LDSS-3421)
How Do I Apply for Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)?
People can determine their likely eligibility for HEAP, Food Stamps, and Other Programs by visiting NYS MyBenefits Website at: OR click on the picture (below).
For HEAP Information and Application or further assistance, contact us:
- HEAP Office (315) 379-2303, fax (315) 379-2162
- Main Reception Office (315) 379-2111
NYDocSubmit is a mobile application that allows certain applicants and recipients in participating social services districts to take pictures of their documents and submit them to their local district office using their Apple iOS or Android device. There is no need for the individual to take time off from work, stand in line or travel to the district office to drop off documents.
Note: NYDocSubmit is not monitored for emergencies and is not to be used to submit an application or to submit a periodic report.
The 2020-2021 Cooling Assistance benefit opens on May 1, 2021
If you are eligible, you may receive one Cooling Assistance benefit per applicant household for the purchase and installation of an air conditioner or a fan to help your home stay cool. In circumstance where an air conditioner cannot be safely installed, a fan will be provided.
Only one air conditioner or fan, not to exceed $800 with installation, will be provided per applicant household.
You may be eligible for a Cooling Assistance HEAP benefit if:
- Your household's gross monthly income is at or below the current income guidelines for your household size as posted below, and
- Household includes an individual with a documented medical condition that is exacerbated by heat, and
- You currently do not have a working air conditioner or the air conditioner you have is five years or older, and
- You did not receive a HEAP funded air conditioner within the past five years.
2020-2021 Income Guidelines:
1 Person Household - $2610 2 Person Household - $3413 3 Person Household - $4216 4 Person Household - $5019
It will be your responsibility to maintain the air conditioner.
This includes the responsibility to remove, cover, store, and/or reinstall the unit or the installation sleeve after vendor installation.
For questions or concerns, please contact the HEAP department at 315-379-2303