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Traffic Safety Program


The St. Lawrence County Traffic Safety Program is a partnership of agencies and individuals working to identify priority traffic safety problems and plan viable solutions in order to reduce the number of crashes, injuries and fatalities on the road in St. Lawrence County.

What Traffic Safety Offers Too Public:

The Traffic Safety Program is here for the general public to help teach and inform them of any traffic related topic. With the program we are able to offer presentations on traffic safety topics, (teen driver safety, older drivers, car seat safety, bicycle safety, etc.) to any company, school, or agency that would like to have a speaker or any information regarding Traffic Safety. To request a speaker contact: 

        Melissa Button, Coordinator, (STOP DWI, Traffic Safety)

Carrie Conger, Traffic Safety Information Specialist

80 State Highway 310, Canton New York 13617-1493

Phone: (315) 386-2207 Fax: (315) 386-2435