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Developmental Disability Services

St. Lawrence County Community Services provides funding to a number of community agencies for the provision of services to individuals with mental retardation and/or developmental disabilities and their families. Services include: Day and Community Habilitation, Residential Services, Family Support Services, Clinical Services, Vocational Support, and Service Coordination.

Access to Developmental Disability Services

The Front Door is the way Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) connects consumers to the services they want and need. Once a person enters, a person-centered planning process begins. This process helps the person learn about and access service options that take their needs and desires into consideration. It will give the person the chance to direct their own service plan or help their family direct the plan for them.

The Front Door is based on the understanding that a person with developmental disabilities has the right to enjoy meaningful relationships, experience personal growth, participate in their community and live in the home of their choice.

Front Door staff will guide a person through the steps involved in finding out if they are eligible for services with OPWDD, identify their needs, goals and preferences and help them work on a plan for getting those services.


Service Providers