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(2021-09) Contract SJ.03 - Removal of the Northumberland Street Bridge over Morristown Bay

3:00 PM
St. Lawrence County Purchasing Office



Sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor and material necessary for Bid No. (2021-09) Contract SJ.03 – Removal of the Northumberland Street Bridge over Morristown Bay (BIN 3341380) will be received by the St. Lawrence County Purchasing Department, 48 Court Street, Canton, New York 13617 until 3:00 P.M. local time, Wednesday, May 19, 2021, at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read aloud. 

As a result of the unprecedented public health emergency related to COVID-19, we have been directed by the State of New York to practice social distancing to help slow the spread of this virus.  In order to protect members of the public and County staff, we will be making the following changes to the bid opening for above referenced bid.

                   County staff will open and witness the opening of the bids.  Bidders and other members of the public will not be allowed in the room.

  • It is our intent to provide a live stream of the bid opening utilizing YouTube that will allow bidders and other members of the public to witness the bid opening.  Approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled bid opening a link will be provided on the home page of the County Website
  • Delivering Bids in Person:  Since access to the Courthouse is limited, you will need to call the Purchasing Office at 315-379-2207 upon your arrival in the parking lot and staff will accept your bid at the entrance of the 1993 Addition to Courthouse.
  • We strongly encourage all vendors to submit bids as soon as possible.  Bidders will be fully responsible for the delivery of their bids in a timely matter.  Reliance upon the US Postal Service or other carriers is at the Bidder's risk.  Late bids will not be considered.

 Bids will be received for the following Contract: 

(2021-09) Contract SJ.03 Removal of the Northumberland Street Bridge over Morristown Bay (BIN 3341380)

The project consists of the complete removal of the existing bridge and causeway that carries Northumberland Street over Morristown Bay.  The existing bridge consists of multiple steel girders and an open steel grate deck system supported on concrete abutments on steel H-piles.  There is approximately 250 linear feet of causeway that extends from the shoreline to the existing abutments that will be completely removed.  The existing bridge supports both an 8” water line and a 6” vacuum sewer line that will be relocated off of the bridge to under the bay.  The water line will be directionally drilled under the bay and tied into the existing system on both approaches.  The sewer line will be converted to a vacuum system to a force main on the west side of the bay and then directionally drilled.  The work associated with the sewer line includes installation of 1100 linear feet of vacuum line, installation of 1100 linear feet of force main and the installation of a new vacuum/pump station along Bay Street.  Approximately 250 linear feet of full depth approach reconstruction includes the replacement of sidewalks, construction of a parking area and the construction of green space areas at the shorelines.  All traffic will be maintained off site during construction.


Contract Documents, including Advertisement for Bids, Information for Bidders, Labor and Employment, Additional Instructions, Bid Documents,

Agreement, General Conditions,  General Requirements, Specifications, Contract Drawings and any Addenda, may be examined at

no expense at the following locations:

      St.. Lawrence County Department of Highways              Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C.

      44 Park Street                                                                   443 Electronics Parkway

      Canton, New York 13617                                                 Liverpool, New York 13088


Copies of the Contract Documents may be obtained from the St. Lawrence County Purchasing Department, 48 Court Street, Canton, New York 13617.  The purchasing office may be contacted through email at [email protected] or by phone (315) 379-2207.

The Bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond made payable to "Treasurer, St. Lawrence County", in the amount of 5% of the bid, as a guarantee that if the Contract is awarded to the Bidder, he/she will sign the Contract and furnish a satisfactory performance bond.  If a Bidder should fail to sign the Contract and deliver the performance bond within ten (10) calendar days after he/she has received the Contract, then he/she shall forfeit the proposal guaranty.


This is an exempt capital improvement project, and Bidders shall not include in their bid sales and compensating use taxes on the cost of materials which are to be incorporated into the work and which are to be separately sold by the Contractor to the County prior to incorporation into the work of the Contract.

All Bids must be written in ink on the forms attached. 

            In compliance with the provisions of Section 115 (Prevailing Rate of Wage), Public Law 627, the minimum wages paid laborers and mechanics are included in wage schedules that are set out in the bid proposal.

             The Construction of this project will be done in strict accordance with the State of New York Department of Transportation policies, procedures and specifications entitled Standard Specifications, Construction and Materials issued September 1, 2020. The General Provisions of Contract, Contract Forms of Proposal, Agreement, Bonds, General Construction Specifications, Materials of Construction which are contained in the Specifications will be adhered to in all respects.


The Sponsor and the New York State Department of Transportation, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation and Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 200, Title VI Program and Related Statutes, as amended, issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all who respond to a written Department solicitation, request for proposal or invitation for bid that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability/handicap and income status in consideration for an award.

             This project is subject to the provision of Chapter 605, Laws of the State of New York, Section 103-A of the General Municipal Law and subsequent amendments.

The right is reserved to waive any informalities in the Bid and to reject any or all Bids. The County of St. Lawrence reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any informality in any Bids, and to award the Contract in the County's best interest.  The County reserves the right to make the award within forty‑five (45) calendar days after the date of the Bid opening during which period Bids shall not be withdrawn.