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What to Do If You Find a Syringe in Public

What to Do if You Find a Syringe in Public:

Do you know what to do if you find a used syringe in public? St. Lawrence County Partners for Substance Use Prevention says these are the steps to take:

  1. Do not pick up the syringe. Picking up a needle could lead to dangerous exposure due to an accidental needle stick, or improper disposal which could put somebody else at risk for an accidental needle stick.


  1. Call a local law enforcement agency to pick up the syringe. Dispatch will send a patrol officer to pick up and properly dispose of the syringe. They will ask you to describe where the syringe is to assist the officer in locating it.

Safe handling and disposal of used needles help prevent injuries caused by accidental needle sticks. Unfortunately, many needles are not disposed of properly, and are often left behind in public spaces such as parks, playgrounds, parking lots, or in other public areas.