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Press Release for Public Comment on Draft Coordinated Transportation Plan


Press Release


The St. Lawrence County Public Transit Task Force has scheduled a public hearing to give the public the opportunity to comment on the County’s draft Coordinated Transportation Plan. The public hearing will be held at a Public Transit Task Force meeting on Thursday, March 21st at 1:00 pm in the 2nd floor conference room of the County Human Services Center, located at 80 State Highway 310 in Canton. Staff from the County Planning Office, and the County’s Mobility Manager will provide an overview of the Transportation Plan. The Plan includes socio-economic and demographic information about county residents, an overview of the County’s Public Transportation programs, known transportation gaps, and goals and actions to improve public transportation services in St. Lawrence County. After the presentation, members of the public will be given the opportunity to offer their comments and suggestions on the draft Plan.

Beginning March 7th, a digital copy of the draft Plan will be available on the County’s Public Transportation website: Hard copies of the draft plan are also available for review during normal business hours at the St. Lawrence County Planning Office (located on the first floor of the County Human Services Center); the Transportation Office at The Arc Jefferson St. Lawrence (6 Commerce Lane, Canton); and at Volunteer Transportation Center (3 Commerce
Lane, Canton).

The County Human Services Center is accessible to persons with physical disabilities. Those who are unable to attend the public hearing in person may also participate via Zoom. To obtain a link to attend the public hearing virtually, contact the Planning Office by calling (315) 379-2292 or email [email protected] After the public hearing is closed, written comments and suggestions on the Plan will be accepted until Thursday, March 28, 2024.

For more information, contact:

Sonja Jensen, Mobility Manager for St. Lawrence County
Volunteer Transportation Center, Inc.
3 Commerce Lane
Canton, NY 13617
[email protected]
Tel: (315) 748-5463

Matilda Larson, Planner III
St. Lawrence County Planning Office
48 Court Street
Canton, NY 13617
[email protected]