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Real Property Price List

 As Of: 4/8/2013

Item Price Description
Tax Maps (30" x 42") $6.00 Per Page - Picked Up
Tax Maps (30" x 42") $8.00 Per Page - Mailed
Tax Maps (8 1/2" x 11") $1.00 Per Page - Picked Up
Orthoimagery Maps (30"x42") $11.00 Per Page - Picked Up
Orthoimagery Maps (30"x42") $13.00 Per Page - Mailed
Orthoimagery Maps (8 1/2" x 11") $6.00 Per Page - Picked Up
Printed Copy of Scanned Map (Full Size) $5.00 Per Page
Highway Map $2.50 Each - Picked Up
Highway Map $3.50 Each - Mailed
Photo Copies $0.25 Per Page
Microfiche/Microfilm Copies $0.25 Per Page
Computer Screen Prints $0.25 Per Page
Tax Rate Sheets (Town/Village/School)   Proceed to Real Property
Town (10 Pages @ $0.25/each) $2.50 Per Complete List
Village (1 Pages @ $0.25/each) $0.25 Per Complete List
School (6 Pages @ $0.25/each) $1.50 Per Complete List
Property Class Codes Listing (2 Pages) $0.50 Per Complete List or view list here
Property Class Codes Listing (37 Pages) $9.25 Per Complete List or proceed to website
Assessment Roll on CD - Per Town $50.00  
Assessment Roll on CD - Countywide $500.00  
Assessment Roll on Printed - Per Town $53.00  
Mailing Labels - Standard Address (Labels) $0.03 Per Label
Mailing Labels - Standard Address (Paper) $5.00 Per Municipality
Cross Reference Listing $5.00 Per Municipality
Custom Reports (I.E. Sales Listing) $5.00 SetUp Fee + $0.25/page
Research Fee $5.00 For 15-minutes or $20.00/hour
Lap Maps $2.00 Per Map for Complete Municipality (Special Order Only)
Tax Maps (GIS Parcel Boundaries) Shape File $50.00 Per Municipality
Tax Maps (GIS Parcel Boundaries) Shape File $1000.00 Countywide
Tax Maps (CD) - PDF Files $25.00 Per Municipality
Tax Maps (CD) - PDF Files $500.00 Countywide
Year Old Tax Maps (Public Set)   Goes out to bid each year.

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