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- Adirondack Park Agency
- The Adirondack Research Consortium
The Adirondack Research Consortium (ARC) was founded to address barriers to information transfer between diverse organizational, political, and disciplinary boundaries.
- American Farmland Trust
"American Farmland Trust works to stop the loss of productive farmland and to promote farming practices that lead to a healthy environment."
- American Planning Association
- Census Data
- Chronicle of Philanthropy: The Newspaper of the Nonprofit World
- Creating walkable communities
- DataPlace
- DataPlace aims to be your one-stop source for housing and demographic data about your community, your region, and the nation. The site not only assembles a variety of data sets from multiple sources, but it also provides tools and guides to assist you in analyzing, interpreting, and applying the data so you can make more informed decisions.
- Development Authority of the North Country (DANC)
- Franklin County Tourism Information
- Fundsnet Services Fundraising and Grants Directory
- Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR)
"A nonprofit research and educational organization that provides technical assistance and information on environmentally sound economic development strategies. Since 1974, ILSR has worked with citizen groups, governments and private businesses in developing policies that extract the maximum value from local resources."
- Introduction to the SEQR Process
New York's State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) requires all state and local government agencies to consider environmental impacts equally with social and economic factors during discretionary decision-making. SEQR requires the sponsoring or approving governmental body to identify and mitigate the significant environmental impacts of the activity it is proposing or permitting.
- L.U.C.A.S. - Land Use Law Center Website
- National Trust for Historic Preservation
- National Weather Service - Zone Forecasts for Eastern New York
- The New Urban Guild LLC
An agent for some of the best traditional architectural design talent available today. Its business model is similar to that of a sports agency or other talent agency. The Guild Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation chartered in the state of Florida. Its purpose is to provide education and other resources to assist in the design and construction of traditional urbanism and architecture.
- NYS Department of Economic Development dba Empire State Development
Empire State Development (ESD) is New York State's lead economic development agency. Our organization, with co-headquarters in Albany and New York City, is supported by a network of 18 additional offices throughout the state and around the world. The organization is comprised of highly qualified professionals who help businesses:
- Start up a company in New York State;
- Relocate to or establish a presence in New York State;
- Expand already existing operations in New York State;
- Retain and enlarge their work force in New York State;
- Compete more effectively and profitably in the domestic and international marketplace.
- New York State Department of Labor
- NYS Dept of State - Publications
- New York State Government List of Agencies
- New York State Office of General Services - Telephone Directory
- New York State Office of Community Renewal
- New York State Office for Technology Statewide Telephone Directory
State agencies and other entities who utilize OFT Integrated Telecommunications Systems are included in the NYS online telephone directory.
- Planning Commissioners Journal - City & Regional Planning Resources
- The Preservation League of NewYork State
The Preservation League of New York State is dedicated to the protection of New York's diverse and rich heritage of historic buildings, districts, and landscapes. It actively encourages historic preservation by public and private organizations, agencies, and individuals in local communities throughout New York State and provides the united voice for historic preservation.
- Principles of Smart Growth
Smart growth recognizes connections between development and quality of life. It leverages new growth to improve the community. The features that distinguish smart growth in a community vary from place to place. In general, smart growth invests time, attention, and resources in restoring community and vitality to center cities and older suburbs. New smart growth is more town-centered, is transit and pedestrian oriented, and has a greater mix of housing, commercial and retail uses. It also preserves open space and many other environmental amenities. But there is no "one-size-fits-all" solution. Successful communities do tend to have one thing in common--a vision of where they want to go and of what things they value in their community--and their plans for development reflect these values.
- Rocky Mountain Institute
"Rocky Mountain Institute is a nonprofit research and educational foundation with a vision across boundaries. Its mission is to foster the efficient and sustainable use of resources as a path to global security. The Institute creates, and helps individuals and the private sector to practice, new solutions to old problems — mainly by harnessing the problem-solving power of market economics and of advanced techniques for resource efficiency."
- Smart Growth Network
- St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce
The St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce provides tourists and local citizens with information on tourism and travel, business and industry, education, and other cultural activities.
- top10's list of the best planning websites
- Twelve steps to downtown revitalization by the Brookings Institution
- USDA Economic Research Service
The Economic Research Service is a primary source of economic information and research in the U.S. Department of Agriculture. With 450 employees, ERS conducts a research program to inform public and private decisionmaking on economic and policy issues involving food, farming, natural resources, and rural development.
- U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- User's Guide to the Adirondacks in St. Lawrence County