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Current Opportunities to Serve

Board/Committee/Council and Position Term Length

Vacancy Announced

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Council (1 vacancy)

Office for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (2 vacancies)

Mental Health SubCommittee (1 vacancy)


Office for the Againg Advisory Council (3 vacancies)


Black River - St. Lawrence Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc.
At Large Members








1 year








July 20, 2009

Environmental Management Council 2 years  
Fisheries Advisory Board Five Years On Going Recruitment

Workforce Investment Board
(Business Representative)

Three Years

On Going Recruitment

Youth Advisory Board

Two Years

On Going Recruitment


This information is produced by the St. Lawrence County Board of Legislators to promote a greater understanding of the various advisory boards and committees by local officials and the public.  The Board of Legislators invites all citizens of the County to communicate any interest regarding participation on the various Boards, Committees and Councils.  Most boards can be applied to through the submission of a biodata sheet to the Board of Legislators Office which is available here on the website or through the office.  Upon completion, please forward to the Deputy Clerk to the Board of Legislators, 48 Court Street, Canton, New York 13617 or call (315) 379-2276.