Pursuant to the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 and by St. Lawrence County Resolution 133-2015, the Workforce Development Board was created. This Board will develop, coordinate and implement plans and programs to increase private sector employment in St. Lawrence County. This Board works to meet the manpower training needs of private sector employers and to provide public and private sector participation in the St. Lawrence County Job Training Programs. The Workforce Development Board works to promote the concept of the One-Stop Career Services through the One-Stop Career Center and other initiatives.
Membership shall include not less than twenty-one (21) and not more than twenty-seven (27) members. This Board must include representatives in local business who own, operate, are chief executives or possess optimum policymaking or hiring authority for their business. These business representatives must make up a majority of the total Board membership. Also, there must be representation of business with local employment opportunities, individuals nominated by local business organizations and business trade associations, representatives of local educational entities, representatives of labor organizations, representatives of community-based organizations, and representatives of economic development agencies.
Term: Three years.